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Double Bind

By September 5, 2014April 22nd, 2020Musings, Read

Do you feel bound, longing for freedom? Do you feel doubly bound, having denied your natural instinct to seek a solution because of the spiritual belief that ‘there’s nothing to do’ because ‘there’s no one to do it’?

Imagine you are a small child, and you’re convinced that 2 + 2 = 5. One day you’re sitting with a friendly school teacher and you ask them about it. They invite you to see how 2 is made up of 1 + 1, so 2 + 2 is actually 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. You count the ones diligently and discover, for yourself, that 2 + 2 = 4 and your misunderstanding is resolved. That’s life being a child with a misunderstanding. That’s life being a school teacher facilitating the resolution of that misunderstanding.

Similarly life is being the message of freedom; inviting you to explore all of your assumptions, all your preconceived ideas about who you are and what life is; inviting you to feel into the fear, feel into the vulnerability, as you let go of all frames of reference, and see what remains when life-as-you-think-you-know-it falls apart.

Don’t just take on more beliefs, however ‘spiritual’ they might seem. Look for yourself, discover first-hand. Then seeking will come to a natural end, not because you decide to do ‘doing nothing’ (which is the greatest doing of all!), but because you truly realise, for yourself, that you already are what you seek.